Private Coaching

Training & Nutrition

Private Coaching Sessions

Contact us for your free consultation.

We understand that not all programs are one size fits all. We provide 1-on-1 personal training sessions for that exact reason. You will be paired up with your own coach who will sit down with you to learn who you are and what your goals are. From there, they will create a program that is fit to only YOU.

Your coach will give you the highest level of instruction and encouragement, making you feel more confident with each session.

The hardest part is starting. But now you don’t have to do it alone. We are here for you. Contact us today to get started on your fitness journey.

Nutrition Coaching

$200 / month

We believe a healthy relationship with food is the foundation for any training and is key for a quality life. By signing up for nutrition coaching, you will complete an initial evaluation and consultation with Ben to get to know one-another, set up expectations, and understand your long term goals. You will then begin your coaching relationship with ongoing guidance and support via check-ins, email support, and monthly consultations. 

This is not - fill out a form and you will get an email about your program. This is a real relationship with a certified and determined coach. Ben looks at the big picture and not only wants you to hit your goals, but feel empowered in all areas of your life. 

  • Custom Plan of Action

  • Check-Ins via Email

  • Initial Consultation & Assessment

  • Accountability & Coaching

  • Weekly Adjustments

Online Training Programs

$195 / 6-week program

Do you feel like your goals are varied and a pre-made program won’t cut it? Been there.

What to Expect: You will complete an initial evaluation, then determine your needs and identify your specific goals and establish end dates with Ben. You will then receive a 6 week customized workout regimen to specifically address your weaknesses or areas of desired improvements. Whether it’s a 5k, powerlifting meet or keeping up with your kids, we can create a plan specific to your needs. 

  • Initial coaching call/questionnaire

  • 6 week program

  • Personalized to help you reach your goals

  • Progressive overload

Ready to get started?

Send us an email or give us a call & we will take it from there. Let’s get after your goals…together!